Hippocampus Security Measures

Personal data

The integrity and confidentiality of personal data are guaranteed with Hippocampus

In a digital age, where data underpins innovation and progress, personal data protection is a crucial fundament for user and stakeholder trust. This is particularly true in education, where personal and academic data of students, teachers and staff are constantly being exchanged and managed. Summit Registration & Services BV, the developer of Hippocampus, recognises the importance of this and has committed itself to safeguarding this sensitive data. Thoroughly aware that the security of personal data is of the utmost importance, Summit has taken steps to ensure this integrity and confidentiality in all aspects of its software development and services.


Summit has taken the following steps to ensure the digital security of its customers and their data:

We use the Microsoft Azure Cloud environment to ensure that our networks remain strictly segregated and protected. This environment boasts advanced firewalls to improve information security and confidentiality.

To improve security, we maintain strictly segregated development, test, acceptance and production environments in order to mitigate the risk of data breaches.

Our use of Auth0 allows us to provide a high level of user authentication and authorisation. This eliminates the need for storing passwords, reducing a well-known risk of data breaches.

To ensure consistency in quality and security, we adopt best practices in implementation and testing when developing our software.

To protect access to data and functions in our software, we implement strong, role-based access controls.

We have implemented secure authentication mechanisms between our internal services in order to prevent unauthorised access.

We use standard security measures, such as HTTPS for secure communication, secure backups to prevent data loss, and use built-in security features of .NET, one of the most reliable and robust frameworks.

We continuously monitor our network and application traffic to detect and quickly respond to potential malicious activities.

We are committed to maintaining the highest security measures and standards to protect all data we process. Our security measures are constantly reviewed and updated in response to new threats and changes in technology and legislation.

SURF (Utrecht, the Netherlands) helps institutions in the education & research sector to secure their information. SURF develops common policies and tools and supports educational institutions to strike a balance between security, privacy assurance, accessibility and ease of use. SURF and Summit have been collaborating since 2013 on inviting, registering and tracking participants to dozens of SURF workshops and conferences, such as The Education Days. Staff of educational and research institutions can use SURFconext to securely and easily register using Summit’s applications. Summit also enables educational institutions to use SURFconext for authentication when logging on to Hippocampus. Needless to say, Summit complies with all privacy and security requirements imposed by SURF.